Welcome to my new journey!

All are welcome here. If you enjoy the great outdoors, enjoy viewing wildlife, and you enjoy camping, this place is for you. Our National Parks and National Forests transcend political partisanship and my goal for this blog is to keep it that way. We can all enjoy the public lands entrusted to us all. This blog is here to highlight our great lands, the incredible people who make them possible and highlight my journey visiting each one.

Visit my FineArtAmerica gallery for canvas, metal, paper, and poster prints.


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selfCanyonLandsZR2My name is Travis and I am a traveler, an explorer, a hiker looking for the next great view. I care about our National Parks and believe in the importance of volunteerism. The purpose of this site is to share interesting facts and news about our National Parks, highlight incredible volunteer opportunities and community projects, and offer a call to action. We all have a stake in this world. Let’s do something good today.

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48422739_10216940259395515_193402579202342912_nThe new rig, a ’99 Wrangler TJ.



Contact me with suggestions, questions, and whatever is on your mind!